Friday, May 1, 2015

Watch a Baltimore protester hand Geraldo Rivera his ass,
(along with the rest of the media)

from Daily Kos:
A protester in West Baltimore confronted Geraldo Rivera last night before he went to his live shot for Fox News. He went OFF on Geraldo, asking where were you before this?
Protester: You want to report that we're thugs and we're breaking shit down. You got these two black dudes protecting you (talking about Geraldo's bodyguards) from all these black folks. We're the ones that need protection! Report for us! You're working for Fox News. Adam Jackson just went on Sean Hannity....(Geraldo tries to get away) Why are you running away? Talk to me. Just talk to me. Listen, a black man can raise his voice and you don't have to be intimidated. (Geraldo mumbles something) Because I want you and Fox News to get out of Baltimore City. Because you are not here reporting about the boarded up homes and the homeless people on the MLK. You're not reporting about the poverty levels up and down North Avenue. Two years ago, when the 300 man march and we marched (street names), you weren't here. You're here for the black riots! You're not here for the death of Freddie Gray.
The unidentified protester then began saying he wanted to talk to Geraldo and pleaded for the cameras to be turned off before continuing:
I want the white media out of Baltimore City until you are here to report the real story.

His takedown of Geraldo and the media continued. Watch him passionately confront Geraldo Rivera to tell the real story:


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